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I'm not dead: An update

After a very leisurely hiatus I am back and creating more deliciousness to share with you! Hooray! Lets not dwell on exactly how long I have been gone, but instead focus on what lies ahead for togetherness journal. You can likely already tell - there has been a makeover here on the blog! I decided everything just needed a really good refresh, so I hope you enjoy looking around this new space. All my original intentions for the blog are still in place; I am still passionate about making food a nourishing and inclusive part of life for all. With particular interest still in substitutions within recipes, and keeping ingredients simple but creative. My life has changed for the better food wise this year, so I thought I would share a little bit about how I am personally choosing to eat these days, as likely this will be reflected in my recipes most of the time. How I now eat is a reflection of me taking control of my health, and focusing on my hormonal wellness first and foremost. While some may argue that they do not agree with my lifestyle, it is working for my life and my body, and that is all I really care about. I eat in a similar way to that of the Paleo diet eg. gluten, refined sugar, legume and grain free, with a low intake of fruit, honey and starchy vegetables. I also avoid dairy now as it is a major contributor to both my eczema and asthma. So what DO I eat then right? Well essentially meat, vegetables, eggs, small amounts of fruit, honey and starchy vegetables, nuts and seeds, coconut products, olive oil, herbs and spices. I still drink copious amounts of herbal tea, and lesser amounts of my beloved coffee. I also drink more water than I think I ever have in my life! It is a simple diet and makes my trips to the supermarket much quicker as I just end up skimming the outside of the store! It might sound limiting, but honestly I am yet to find it boring. Difficulty in choosing to eat this way has reared it's head when I have been out to eat however. I am now that person who takes their whole life to read a menu! I have learnt a huge amount around food and nutrition this year, and it has made me even more curious about making recipes that reflect this. It is all a bit exciting really. And my birthday at the end of the year is going to be mega fun creative food explosion awesomeness. I just know it! So with an extra push to make my basic ingredients do wonders - I am sure there are going to be some awesome recipes showing up around here! - Bee Ps. Do bare with me as I rejig my recipes and write new ones. My original blog is still present if you are hoping to grab old recipes (eg. that gingerbread coffee syrup amiright?).

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